Next-CSP 7th Project Meeting

Next-CSP 7th Project Meeting

The 7th Next-CSP consortium meeting took place on 30 June 2020. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and in order to respect the sanitary measures, the meeting was organised virtually through an online webconference platform. During this meeting, corresponding to Month 42 of...
H2020 CSP Projects Newsletter – April 2020 Edition

H2020 CSP Projects Newsletter – April 2020 Edition

Next-CSP was featured in the 7th edition of the joint Horizon 2020 CSP Project Newsletter, that was released on 14 April 2020. The April 2020 issue of the newsletter highlighted the assembly of the pilot solar loop at the top of the Themis solar tower during autumn...
Periodic Reporting 2: Review of the first 36 months of Next-CSP

Periodic Reporting 2: Review of the first 36 months of Next-CSP

The European Commission has published the second Periodic Report of Next-CSP, which reviews the advancements achieved during the first 36 months of the project. Next-CSP, which was launched in Octobre 2016, underwent its second review. The Periodic Reporting for...
Keep up with the news from Next-CSP on social media!

Keep up with the news from Next-CSP on social media!

Did you know that Next-CSP was on active on LinkedIn, Twitter and features in a joint newsletter for H2020 CSP projects? To get regular updates from the project, follow us on those multiple channels: LinkedIn The dedicated group “Next-CSP – Concentrated...