
Assessment of particle suspension as heat transfer fluid and storage material
Expected results
- Selection of particles to be used as HTF and TES material
- Modeling and experimentation of 2-phase flow stability
- Wall-to-particle suspension heat transfer coefficient improvement
- Solutions for particle handling at large scale

Assessment of solar fields for high temperature solar power tower
Expected results
- Characterization of the existing solar field at Themis for the pilot loop testing
- Design of a heliostat suitable for high flux and high temperature power tower
- Heliostat field layout for commercial size solar power plant and aiming strategy

Detailed design of the 4 MWth high temperature solar loop and of the heat conversion loop
Expected results
- Detailed engineering design of all the pilot loop components, solar receiver, thermal energy storage system, particle-to-air heat exchanger
- Design of on-site (atop Themis tower) installation

Construction and commissioning of the complete solar and heat conversion loops at Themis solar tower
Expected results
- Manufacturing of the pilot loop components (according to WP3)
- Assembly of the components and commissioning of the solar pilot

Testing of the complete high temperature solar and heat conversion loops including a gas turbine
Expected results
- Performances of the key components of the solar pilot: solar receiver, heat storage system and fluidized particle-to-air heat exchanger
- Performances of the solar-to-electricity conversion using the gas turbine in hybrid mode

Assessment of the highly efficient thermodynamic cycles that can be combined with the high temperature solar loop
Expected results
- Model for thermodynamic cycles
- Assessment of high efficiency thermodynamic cycles
- Dynamic simulation of solar power plants

Scale-up to a 150 MW solar power plant – Preliminary design, risk analysis, cost and value assessment
Expected results
- Component sizing and plant layout
- Risks associated to the particle-in-tube technology
- Cost analysis, LCOE of the new technology

Environmental assessment of the technology
Expected results
- LCA of the Next-CSP concept
- Assessment of the Next-CSP technology with respect to current CSP technologies

Communication, dissemination and exploitation
Expected results
- Exploitation plan
- Communication and dissemination strategy

Project Management
Expected results
- Project objectives achievement