Discover the updated timeline of Next-CSP

Discover the updated timeline of Next-CSP

Due to COVID-19, some Next-CSP activities had to be postponed and the project was extended by 7 months. Therefore, the Next-CSP consortium updated the timeline of the project, issued in July 2019. The timeline highlights visually the key achievements and milestones of...
Next-CSP Presentation at IN POWER online workshop

Next-CSP Presentation at IN POWER online workshop

Next-CSP’s coordinator Gilles Flamant (CNRS-PROMES) made a presentation about the project at the Online Dissemination Event on “Materials & Processes for Thermal Solar System” organised by the H2020 project IN POWER, on 27th October 2020. The presentation,...
Next-CSP 8th Project Meeting

Next-CSP 8th Project Meeting

The 8th Next-CSP consortium meeting took place on 14 October 2020. Once again, due to the resurgence of the COVID-19 outbreak and in order to respect the sanitary measures, the meeting was organised online. This meeting, corresponding to Month 48 of the project, was...
Next-CSP presentations at SolarPACES 2020

Next-CSP presentations at SolarPACES 2020

Next-CSP took part in the 26th edition of SolarPACES from September 28 to October 2, 2020 (online) with 4 papers, 1 poster and a virtual booth. You can download the presentations below: • MW-Scale Prototype of the Fluidized Particles-in-Tube Solar Receiver. Design,...
Online event: Materials & Processes for Thermal Solar System

Online event: Materials & Processes for Thermal Solar System

On 27th October 2020, Next-CSP will participate in the Online Dissemination Event on “Materials & Processes for Thermal Solar System”, organised by the H2020 project IN POWER. This workshop will provide an overview of the current technological...