If you missed the workshop “Dispatchable Renewable Energies: From a Myth to Reality” organized by the the Next-CSP project on 6 June 2018 in Edimburgh, do not worry! All the presentations are available here :
Opening of the seminar: Renewable Energy Variability (Garreth Harrison, Director of R&D of the University of Edinburgh, UK) Download
New services and measurands for converter-dominated power systems (Andrew Roscoe, University of Strathclyde, UK)Download
Effect of CO2 phase on CO2 storage at pore level (Xianfeng Fan, University of Edinburgh, UK)Download
From biomass to biofuel and bio-chemicals (Lise Appels, Raf Dewil, University of Leuven, Belgium)Download
From excess energy to heat storage and power generation (Frederic Pitié, Whittaker Engineering, UK)Download
Concentrated solar power (CSP): the general context and the particle option (Gilles Flamant, Inma Perez, CNRS, France)Download
Options for high efficiency thermodynamic cycles associated with the particle-in-tube Next-CSP
concept (Miguel A. Reyes, IMDEA, Spain)Download
concept (Miguel A. Reyes, IMDEA, Spain)Download